Homemade Gummies

March 4, 2014

We are coming off a strict GAPS protocol and I am always looking for ways to pump my kid full of broth, gelatin, and all sorts of healthy gut-lining goodness.   These are super-easy to make and even easier to remember - just 3+3+3. 

  • 3 Tbl grassfed gelatin (I use Great Lakes brand purchased through Amazon)
  • 3 oz juice
  • 3 Tbl Raw Honey

Mix in a saucepan over low temperature and then pour into molds.  I use flexible ice cube trays from Ikea in fun shapes.  Then put them in the fridge or freezer to firm up.  I like them best at room temperature but learned they will mold if not kept in the fridge.

You could also pour them into a greased pan and then cut into cubes.

Options:  - add organic oils such as lemon or orange (a drop will be just enough)

                - play around with natural dyes
                  (turmeric; beet, red cabbage, spinach, and carrot juice)

The ones pictured are equal parts lemon and lime juice (sometimes I use up to 4 oz of juice) and then grated a beet and squeezed a few drops of juice in for color.  It's not the best photo but aren't they pretty? 


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